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Mesaj  chatLakqitaRist Cuma Mayıs 09, 2008 10:14 am

Relative Clause - Quiz

Boşluklari, uygun relative clause bağlaçlariyla doldurun. (Bazen that : which)

1- Her mother,_______________ you never met, is interested in detective novels.

2- Roses, _______________ for all women have a liking, smell very nice.

3- Hasan is the person _______________ the manager wants to see.

4- Hemmingway, _______________ novels are still very popular, led a painful life.

5- One should quit smoking, _______________ is very harmful to health.

6- A student _______________ doesn't study hard enough cannot be successful.

7- They have three sons, all of _______________ are living abroad.

8- We are living next to a woman _______________ dog barks all the time.

9- This is mount Ararat, on the peak of , _______________ there always is snow.

10- We have never met again, _______________ is a pity.

11- Confusing topics _______________ are well-expressed can be understood.

12- The car, _______________ was designed by a foreign company, won the race.

13- Shakespeare, most of _______________ plays were adapted to cinema, is still read by many.

14- All the students (wish) _______________ to organize a picnic were discouraged when they saw the dark clouds.

15- The questions (ask) _______________ in the exam were specially chosen.

Answer Key:
1 whom
2 which
3 whom
4 whose
5 which
6 who
7 whom
8 whose
9 which
10 which
11 that
12 which
13 whose
14 wishing
15 asked


Mesaj Sayısı : 108
Kayıt tarihi : 09/05/08
Yaş : 33
Nerden : İstanßuL...

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Arkadaşlar örnek çalışma soruları size Empty Geri: Arkadaşlar örnek çalışma soruları size

Mesaj  chatLakqitaRist Cuma Mayıs 09, 2008 2:18 pm

arkadaşlar umarım yaRdımcı olmuşuzdur.


Mesaj Sayısı : 108
Kayıt tarihi : 09/05/08
Yaş : 33
Nerden : İstanßuL...

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